Youth Groups at Edgewood

Building a community of students dedicated to following Jesus in a way that compels others to do the same. 

Youth Ministry at Edgewood

Edgewood's Youth Groups exist to introduce middle and high school students to Jesus Christ and help them become His fully devoted followers. We have only two rules ... 1. have a ton of fun. 2. Be serious about our faith. You may think those don’t go together, but I think our students will tell you they go quite well together. We have gospel-centered teaching from the Bible, strive to create a safe environment for students to ask questions and explore the faith, and eat Cheetos all in one night.  We also believe that faith in action can be one of the biggest ways to learn. Service projects and road trips are scheduled throughout the year.

Your First Visit

When you come to our Youth Group during the school year, there will be someone to greet you at the door and welcome you. We will have you put your name and some basic contact information on a card and then give you a brief tour of what Edgewood looks like on a Youth Ministry night. There will be group games for you to join, delicious snacks to eat, and plenty of friends to connect with and get to know! Most importantly, we won’t embarrass you or make you share your life story in front of the group when you come. We will, however, make sure you feel welcome and that you have a place to belong!

What our programs look like

The heart of the Youth Ministry at Edgewood centers around our Wednesday night gathering for 6-12th grade students from 6-8 PM, as well as special retreats, conferences, and mission trips.  We typically gather as a large group for games, snacks, building relationships, worship, prayer, and teaching.  We also break into small groups (broken up by grade and gender) for deeper discussion, encouragement, prayer, study of the Word, and accountability. Through all of it, we have tons of fun!

Times & Locations

6-12th grade: Wednesday nights from 6-8pm at Edgewood in Waupun

Fond Du Lac
FDL's Youth Group (Elevate): Wednesday nights from 7-8:30pm at Edgewood in Fond du Lac

Beaver Dam
5th-12th grade: 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of the month from 6:30-8pm at Edgewood in Beaver Dam

6-12th grade: 1st and 3rd Sundays of the month from 6:00-7:30pm at Jake's Cafe (529 Ontario Avenue, Sheboygan)

Questions about Youth Group?

Fill in this form and we'll get back to you as soon as possible.

Meet the leadership

Jamie Thompson

Pastor Jamie has several years of youth ministry experience at Edgewood and currently serves as our interim youth pastor  for the near future. 

Timothy Sandberg

Fond Du Lac
I’ve been at Edgewood for 11+ years. My first real youth group experience at Edgewood! God used those very important years to shape my faith and led me to go to school for full-time ministry. Now, I want to bring many of those same experiences back to the students. 

Kyle Witek

Beaver Dam
Pastor Kyle serves as the Campus Pastor in Beaver Dam and oversees the Youth Ministry at the Beaver Dam campus.